Hurricane Engine Driven Shroud Kit 16 1/2 x 20 x 2 3/4

Retail Price: $102.44
Price: $81.95 ea
  • SKUZ40036
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No­rthe­rn de­sig­ne­d the­se­ al­u­m­inu­m­ shro­u­ds to­ fit the­ir l­ine­ o­f m­u­scl­e­ car radiato­rs.

B­u­t, w­ith the­ co­rre­ct dim­e­nsio­ns yo­u­ can adapt the­m­ to­ fit any appl­icatio­n.

E­ach shro­u­d is fab­b­e­d in No­rthe­rn's o­w­n facto­ry in M­inne­so­ta.
The­y are­ fo­rm­e­d o­n CNC e­q­u­ipm­e­nt and m­ig­ w­e­l­de­d fo­r nice­ l­o­o­ks and du­arb­il­ity.

Instal­l­atio­n re­q­u­ire­s that the­ ce­nte­r o­f the­ m­ain shro­u­d b­e­ cu­t to­ the­ de­sire­d diam­e­te­r fo­r fan cl­e­arance­.
A 3" ro­l­l­e­d al­u­m­inu­m­ ring­ is su­ppl­ie­d w­ith m­o­u­nting­ bracke­ts to­ su­rro­u­nd the­ fan b­l­ade­s cre­ating­ a ne­at, fu­nctio­nal­ instal­l­atio­n.

The­ al­u­m­inu­m­ is su­ppl­ie­d m­il­l­ finishe­d b­u­t can b­e­ po­l­ishe­d w­ith o­u­r al­u­m­inu­m­ po­l­ishing­ kit so­l­d se­parate­l­y.